This is my personal web site for testing various stuff, hobbies related in IT and everything else.
This site I built while experinmenting a bit with a flat-file based quick-to-build CMS Grav.
If you want to contact me, feel free to do so through social media or with more conventional ways.
heikki.sateila (at)
Work only things here. I work as a Senior Lecturer at Jamk. I try to keep it up to date but not meddling around that much.
I'm a gamer. My tweets focus on all things gaming. Sometimes in Finnish, sometimes in English.
Facebook is, well, Facebook. Time sink to spy on what has happened to my school friends and relatives. I'm curious that way.
I'm no coder, but I still have this. I tend to try stuff and not get too deep in it (which is fine with my current line of work). Let's see what ends up here eventually :D